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Costs and Limitations

Costs and Limitations

Developer name: SilkOne

Date the product was certified: 09/30/2014

Product Name: SilkOne, EHR Meaningful Use

Product version:  2.1

Unique certification number: 09302014‐2241‐9

Certification criterion or criteria to which the product has been certified: 170.314 (a)(1, 3‐9, 11, 13‐15);
(b)(1, 2); (c)(1‐3); (d)(1‐3, 5‐8); (e)(1‐3); (f)(1); (g)(2‐4)

CQMs to which the product has been certified: 22v2; 65v3; 68v3; 69v2; 127v2; 138v2; 147v2; 165v2; 166v3

ONC Disclaimer: This Product is 2014 Edition compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The SilkOne, EHR Meaningful Use 2.1 product does not have any additional costs or fees for utilizing any of the certified criteria.

The Product has practical and technical limitations as applicable by EMR Direct.

This functionality allows users to send and receive Direct-based messages to/from other users of certified health IT systems. Direct messages may include clinical data, notes, and other information, subject to the limitations noted.

Our Direct offerings support related Meaningful Use and ONC requirements for sending and receiving transitions of care summary documents.

Pursuant to SilkOne's security policy, the Direct messaging capability is restricted and users will be unable to exchange messages with users of third-party HISPs with whom the developer does not have a trust agreement.

Should a provider wish to establish a new connection with a third-party HISP, provider must lodge a service request identifying the third-party party HISP along with contact information for the HISP. SilkOne will establish, maintain and support technology to manage the connection. Third-party HISPs must agree to SilkOne connection and trust agreement. SilkOne will make every effort in good faith to establish such connectivity within a reasonable time frame (no longer than 3 months). However, we do not warrant that SilkOne will be able to establish agreements and required connections with all third-party HISPs.

SilkOne is not permitted to exchange information with ABC-HISP because it is unable to agree to a trust agreement with that organization.